Naso feeding question


Active Member
I've had a blonde naso for a little over 2 weeks. It's about 3 inches and healthy. It is shy when people come up to the tank but swims around most of the time. My concern is I think it is only eating nori. When I feed the tank with frozen brine or mysis or whatever it scares it and it hides. I even tried floating the cube like I float the nori but it still doesn't eat it. So basically is it OK that it is only eating nori? It pigs out on it.

aquarius 1

I would try using a variety of other things like Formula 1, 2, other types of flakes, Seaweed Selects and other frozen fares because you really need to "wean" the Naso off the nori. I mean yes it is a good supplement and a tasty treat that tangs absolutely love, but a tangs diet consists of many other things in addition to just Nori. I personally feed my tangs, angels, etc. TetraMarine Flakes (w/ garlic/vitamins), Nori, Seaweed Selects, Frozen Brine/Bloodworms, Spirulina Tablets, and I'm in the process of making my own homemade food. I had a regular Naso about a year ago and the only thing it would eat was Romaine lettuce and Nori - needless to say, it was not providing enough nutrients to support the fish and he eventually became sick and died. Also, try soaking these foods in garlic/vitamins (Selcon, Zoe, Zoecon, etc.). They add to the nutritional value of food, act as an immune booster and sometimes entice picky fish into eating. Good Luck!
I wouldn't panic. Give it some more time and see if it gets a little braver at feeding time. Who else is in the tank with it? Anybody spooking it? Otherwise, you could try soaking your frozen food in garlic.


Garlic all the way.
Also, try the zooplankton.
This was my Naso's "gateway" food ;) that soon got him hooked on other good things like Formula one and Spirulina formula.


Active Member
Thank you guys. I already do all of the above varieties with the exception of that zooplankon pictured. The only things that spooks the naso are people coming up to the tank and when all the food is floating around. Otherwise he's out and about.


My nasso and unicorn are a couple of wimps, they do the same thing.
My unicorn changes his skin like a chameleon and turns all "camouflage" (green and grey camoflauge pattern) and hides.
Now that they hang out all the time, my naso can do the same thing, he actually changes color in a random pattern and hides.
Then they're back to normal color in a matter of seconds.
Has anyone seen theirs do that?


Active Member
That's what my naso does. He's all out front lookin good til you walk up then he dashes to his hiding spot under an arch and turns dark gray with splothes. Then 30 seconds or so later if you go sit down he's back out swimming, lookin good and hanging out with the yellow tang. I've had the yellow for a long time and he loves people generally but now when the naso dives for cover he does too!


Active Member
Hopefully it will just take some time. I would make more trips to the tank to get him used to the idea. After a while he should understand that he's safe. Your YT is just reacting to the fast movement, regardless of who's making it (in this case the naso). I can tell you that in my tank everyone "follow" the naso to whoever comes to the tank, if they're family. If the naso doesn't recognize the person, he stays back and the rest follow suit.
Weird huh?
Good luck! I'm sure yours will come around. Just needs more 'people" time.


Active Member
So you think my sitting in front of tank saying "here blondie, come on blondie" for hours is going to work? ;) Actually, I don't know how they are going to act today when I finally get lights on. We've had a power outage due to a storm since the night before last. I was able to run extensions cords to the neighbors to keep the pumps etc going but, it's been too warm in the house to turn on the tank lights.


Active Member
Unless it's a guy;)
Hope everything survived the power outage. That's the scariest thing to me. In fact, last season I broke down and bought a gas generator large enough to conver all of the tanks (6) and essentials (TV and refrigerator)!


Active Member
yeah, thank god the neighbor had power. The blonde is coming out a lot more today after it's 2 day nap. And eating the frozen brine and mysis too! Well, it wasn't very frozen.