Naso is hiding, won't come and play....


My Naso has been in the tank for 4 days and still won't come out to play. He just hides behind my LR. Is this normal? Is he scared? The only other fish is a Blenny that is pretty melow. How can I draw him out?


Some fish do just take longer to acclimate--don't panic just yet--have you asked the lfs what they were feeding him--to make sure your giving him something you know he'll eat? That dried seaweed stuff is great for them, but if he's not used to it, it make take him a little while to enjoy it. (yes he will REALLY outgrow your tank, but not if he never eats)
Good Luck


how big is your naso? if you have a 48 gal the naso will end up outgrowing the tank. they can get up to 18" and need a lot of swimming room. they need a considerably bigger tank. at least a hundred +. i IMO wouldnt put a tang in anythig under a 55 and that is the smaller species. and all the other bigger species nothing under a 100 gal


I have a Naso Tang myself, mine hid for the first day or so, but it eventually came out, maybe because the yellow tang and the clown chased him out, they all get along great. Mind you the yellow and the naso play tug o war every day when i put in the seaweed. Did you see it eat at the LFS before you bought it? I have heard of Naso's not eating for weeks then just giving up. If you can get them eating then your in the clear, it will eventually come out and play.I was lucky I had some bubble algea the naso gobbled up right away, and the the calurpa was next, and the algea on the LR and well, now it just eats the Nori, and picks at the rocks all day.


my naso just up and died thismorning. no signs of injury or illness. had him in a q tank for a bit. now bam no more fish
everything else in the tank is cool. i have an atlantic blue that is smaller and he is doing great. honestly i have not a clue as to why this happened. any thought?


my naso just up and died thismorning. no signs of injury or illness. had him in a q tank for a bit. now bam no more fish
everything else in the tank is cool. i have an atlantic blue that is smaller and he is doing great. honestly i have not a clue as to why this happened. any thought?


Sorry to hear that--sometimes even when you do everything right it still happens that way--Does your lfs have a guarantee of any kind you haven't had him very long. Mine does for seven days if I bring a water sample.