Naso not eating

I bought a small Naso tang and a yellow tang saturday, and I got them some green alge to feed on, now the yellow tang is really going after the food, but the Naso isn't eating it at all, do they eat the same thing? I read that Naso's prefer brown/red alge now he has been picking at my rocks that do have some brown algie on them, but what happens when that runs out? should I go out and get some other food just for him?
thanks JW I thought that might be it, but I did a little checking around and I saw that they will starve themselves to death, so hence here I am posting again LOL and yes right after I posted that last message I thought someone sooner or later wouldsay that they would get to big for my tank, I almost smacked myself when I went back and read what I typed, and forgot to mention that sooner or later I will be getting a bigger tank. and supposidly (word from someone at work) there is a LFS that has a 125 gal with stand and all the goodies for a salt tank for 150


You should also make sure they eat at the store before you bring them home if at all possible. This will bring you less grief in the long run.