naso tang/blonde naso tang any diffrence ?


I've been wanting a naso tang , is there in fact any diffrence?
also do you think it will get along with my queen angel( 4 in ).
I have a 90 gal reef.
new fish


Blonde tang has what looks like a blonde "mohawk".
His back fins are this brighter color, as opposed to the regular nasos fins being black.


Active Member
My advice would be to NOT add a tang to a tank with an established queen angel. You'd be asking for trouble. Also, a queen will grow to be HUGE, and IMO too big for a 90. The U-Build it description states tank size as 250g minimum.



Originally posted by karajay
My advice would be to NOT add a tang to a tank with an established queen angel. You'd be asking for trouble. Also, a queen will grow to be HUGE, and IMO too big for a 90. The U-Build it description states tank size as 250g minimum.

I respect your opinion but if all of us had tanks based on the size of the future growth of our fish , we would all have 500 gal tanks.
The serious hobbist knows like myself will up grade our tank or trade our fish to someone who has the right size tank.
what I have read the naso tang is the most peaceful fish an dgets along with others. but I will look into it before buying
thank you
new fish


It is the queen angel you have to worry about. It definitely will not take kindly to a new addition. Especially not to a good size tang, which it will see as competition. You definitely don't have a large enough tank to house them individually for seeing as how they are both very active swimmers and territorial.. The established queen will pick the new addition to death, you can bet on it. Not a good idea.....And as for your statement about everyone needing "500 gallon tanks", sorry but it is just not applicable. Certain fish need certain requirements met. Some special feeding, some special tank size, etc. Both of the fish you named don't belong, and won't do well in a 90g. Just the facts, sorry.



Originally posted by swilbs83
Both of the fish you named don't belong, and won't do well in a 90g. Just the facts, sorry.

I'd like to the the study on this personally. I'll bet that one single large fish in a 90gal will do just as good as it being in a 120gallon. And no I dont have proof.



Originally posted by Tyr-Sog
I'd like to the the study on this personally. I'll bet that one single large fish in a 90gal will do just as good as it being in a 120gallon. And no I dont have proof.

Well thank you , I know everyone has a opinion but as you know and I know that all of us do not have the " so called right size tanks". But as long as we do not put a shark in a ten gal tank and use a little forsight they will do fine. My tank is doing great and my fish are healthy and so are the corals.
I have a 25 gal sump before it goes into another 20 gal sump
skimmer aqua c 120 ( mud in one sump).
hey thanks for your thoughts
new fish



Originally posted by NewFishLINY
Well thank you , I know everyone has a opinion but as you know and I know that all of us do not have the " so called right size tanks".

There are limits but I think some people are a bit extreme then others. I wouldn't go putting a 'larger' tang(Valmengii 24") or angel(queen 18") in a 50, 90 or even a 120gal though. That's just me. Those fish get huge! lol. Unless I was in it for the long hual and ws going to get a 300 plus gallon tank. When they got 12" or so I'd upgrade or even trade the guy in. Hell even when I was young and my chiclids started to outgrow there tanks I did my best to get them a larger tank.
I can only imagine how many of these large fish end up in 10 - 30 gal. Probablly 1000's a week. So I wouldn't say a 90gal in the worst scenerio then again it's not the best.
I'd be more concerned about the fighting and the territorial issues as of right now then size(with only being 4"). You might be wasting $50-70 on that tang or vice versa with that angel.
Just my 2 cents.