Naso tang hiding


I had my naso tang for about 10 days now. water is perfect ,but the naso has been hiding behind the rocks and doesnt come out and nows hes not eating. Whats up with him ?


Active Member
IMO it just takes time for a certain fish to ajust, some of my fish have taken longer to ajust than others,as for not eating , this could be a sign of sickness so whatch closely


I have also recently read that stray electrical current can also make fish shy...
Is your tank grounded..
If not you might need to buy a grounding rod...
Their only about $20 at your LFS.


what are you trying to feed him? my nasso eats the seaweed selects like there is no tomorrow. maybe this will bring him out.


Active Member
perhaps try feeding with garlic. its only a suggestion, but garlic has been shown to improve the feedign response in fish. it might make him come out and eat a bit more. i still think hes just getting adjusted to the tank. you might try leaving the lights off for a couple days as well. i always do this when i introduce a new fish/coral anythign into the tank, it gives em a shot at finding a nice hiding spot!
good luck