naso tang not eating


I've had a large new naso tang for about 10 days now, and it hasn't eaten anything. I've tried all forms of seaweed, live caulerpa, brine shrimp, all sorts of flakes, krill, and some forms of pellets. It swims right around the food, but eats nothing!...
It still appears VERY healthy and active... The lfs where I got it said it was eating fine there.
My water specs. are perfect. Other fish in the tank are a sailfin tang (medium), a small purple tang, and a clown fish.
It's a 125-gallon reef tank. Everything else in the tank is fine...
Any suggestions on how to get the naso to eat?
How long will it last until it starves to death??...


New Member
It is possible that it the pet store is not bing 100% honest. It has happened to me a few times. I would try putting in Romaine lettuce. My Tangs love it. Please keep me updated on your problem.


New Member
Your tang could last for weeks without food. I had a Singapore Angel that didn't eat for 3 weeks and it started to eat but by then it was too late.

p fish

I have a large Naso, and he has went thru that a couple of times, just wouldn't eat and then he returned to normal, eating like crazy, never knew why and he seemed fine also, so just wait him out, he will eat, as long as there are no other signs of sickness.


He is STILL not eating... I got him to eat some live caulerpa once, but that was it... he's even stopped eating that... tried romaine lettuce, spinach, all sorts of fish foods... frozen stuff, too... He just won't eat!... His stomach is looking "pinched in" now... looking thin... but he is still very active and otherwise looks and acts healthy... Any suggestions on how to end his hunger strike before he dies?...