Naso Tang, Should I Or Should I Not? Naso Owners, Give Me Advice!!


So you have a naso tang, do you love it? Good things, and bad things....My lfs just got one into and I am deciding if it is tang I want. I have a 90 gallon setup...BUT don't fret, it will be changed to a minimum of a 135 or bigger in the next 6 months to a year. This Naso is only 4 inches or I expect that when he needs the room, I will give it to him. I now have a set of maroon clowns, a bicolor blenny and a 6 line wrasse, that is all for fish..I have lots and lots 130 lbs of live rock and your usual inverts to clean including a cleaner shrimp. Here is a pic of my tank he will live in....advice is taken please, I am trying to make the right choice for I want only to put this in as my last fish....


Active Member
Well, I would wait, personally, until that tank is up and established to start. Small nasos are not rare...and you may decide there is another tang you like. They get HUGE, and they can really pace even a 135. In a few years, IMO, a 135 will be nothing for a naso. I've just seen them at the store swimming back and forth and back and forth and back and forth...and it was in a 135. So personally, I would suggest a smaller sort of tang.


Active Member
yea, i agree, i would wait and look in the tang section on the fish part of this site and see what other types of tangs u like. naso's do get huge though.


yeah, I think I might wait ....might look at a smaller one for now and then add later....I really would like a blue tang but I am so worried about them being so ich lfs has a purple and a nice small sailfin now, thinking about that also....the sailfin is only about 2 inches or so now.


They are very nice and freindly tangs we have had "wilma" :) for about a year now, she will eat right out of your hand and is always at the front of the tank waiting for you here is a pic of our 150 reef with her. Naso's are probably the nicest tang you can get they are not agressive twards anything.


Active Member
This month's edition of Coral magazine is dedicated to the surgeonfish. I highly recommend you buy it if you are interested in keeping a tang.
The biggest problem I've read about in the mag is keeping them well fed. The more hungry they get, the more aggressive they get.


They are very nice and freindly tangs we have had "wilma" :) for about a year now, she will eat right out of your hand and is always at the front of the tank waiting for you, here is a pic of our 150 reef with her. Naso's are probably the nicest tang you can get they are not agressive twards anything. Had to edit the picture down, the tank is wider that the pic.


Active Member
They are a very nice and personable tang, all in all. No doubt. But they get large and need large tanks. So for me, a 135, having seen large one's just pace in them, is still on the small side. To truly appreciate them, they should be in very large systems. But that's me. A pacing fish just stresses me out, emphasizes a lack of room.


I have a Blonde Naso tang, "Carl". I have had him in my 90 reef for about 6 months. He doesn't "pace" at all.
He is the friendliest fish in the tank, and does eat right out of my hand when i am trying to clip the algea sheet to the clip.
He is definatley a voracious algea eater, and he lives very peacefuly with my Yellow Tang. Together they forage and keep all algea growth on the LR down.


jedi did you have your yellow prior to the naso I have yellow and would love to add a naso but scared teh yellow will kill him as he did a powder blue.


I actually had the Naso first, by about a month. Maybe less. when I added the Yellow, they didn't even give one another a second glance. I was told that the Naso should be in there last, but that didnt seem to be the case here. and I have never seen it get aggresive towards any other inhabitants.
Now they are seriously constant companions. and they look great in the tank together.
They have different body types so they shoul dget along. Just kep em well fed with Algea sheets, etc..
a hungry fish is an aggressive fish

Good luck !


HI JEDI, could I see your full tank shot with your naso in it if you don't mind? Also how big is your naso now? How long have you had him? thanks!!


Here is the Full tank shot from May 1.
He is about 4 inches, and I have had him a little over 6 months.


Active Member
FWIW I will clarify, I don't think it is an issue of tank size with these small nasos...a 90g or 135g, but with larger nasos, it gets to be a bit more of an issue, IMO.


Hi Jedi, thanks for the picture, your tank is gorgeous!! It seems like your rockwork is back quite a bit, does it touch the back of the tank? Your naso looks small there and that is what I wanted to see, one actually placed in our size tank. I am so worried about swim space, my rock is placed more center, wished I had moved it farther back but I have tunnels for them to swim through and some swim space in the back and around the front of course. I love the way you have your rocks.


Ill post a side pic later when i get home.
The rock is started on the bottom out towards the middle of the tank, then it progressivly stacks backwards and a few pieces rest on the overflow and slightly on the rear of the tank.
thanks for the compliment.
He actually looks bigger in person. Maybe 5 inches. He is definatly my favorite fish.
A slong as you have plenty of swim room, and places for the fish to swim in and out of yor rock, you will enjoy having a naso.