Naso Tang


New Member
I bought a medium sized naso tang today and he is currently in my 10 gallon Q-tank. I just noticed that he has some rather large white spots on him that he did not have (or maybe I didn't notice) when I purchased him at the pet store. I have been read that naso tangs have an extremely difficult time acclimating and could devlope a parasite called cryptocamon? Has anyone else ever experienced this with their naso tang? I am really worried about him. He is swimming around and acting pretty normal. My water levels are normal (PH, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, salinity) Thanks. :(


good choice, the white spots appear on this fish when hes is nervous. if someone approaches my tank to fast the white spots will appear. you will want to get him out of a 10 gal. tank as soon as possible. this size tank, in my opinion, can cause more harm than good for this fish. he needs lots of room to swim and being confind to such a small area will stress out the fish and then the troubles begin.


that is normal don't worry i bought naso tang myself about to weeks maybe a tad longer he did the same thing they do get nervers easy .
flamehawk gave me some good advice/info this morning read my? on tang right under yours good luck tiffbritty