Naso Tang

ross k.

New Member
I recently mail ordered two tangs, a regal and a naso. The regal and naso both graze a lot on the algae for food. I have attempted to feed dried seaweed (nori) and mysis shrimp both of which the regal loves yet the naso takes it in but spits it out. Im not too worried about the naso though because ive witnessed him eat grape caulerpa I have in the tank as well as algae off the rock, so I know hes getting some food but I would like for him to eat some prepared foods as well. Any suggestions? Also my regal tang has what appear to be lumps on his sides, I dont see any wounds though just lumps, and it just doesnt look to normal as ones i usually see with nice rounded stomachs. He also twitches quite often and every now and then rubs on the live rock. However there are no visible external parasites and he is eating a lot. Does anyone know what is ailing him? Is there a good cure? Will he get better on his own under good conditions? Oh and just some tank info they are the only two fish in a 150g tank with 95 pounds of live rock, filtration is 1 rainbow live guard 300 fluidized bed, and 3 Cpr BakPak 2's temperature is maintained at 78 degrees, ammonia is at zero as is nitrite and nitrate is at 5. Naso is about 3 inches, Regal is about 2 inches. Thank you for any help.


Active Member
First off you might want to post this on the disease boerd.The sharks there know there stuff.I had a fish with similiar systems and and it was a bacterial infection.And it could be internal???