nassarius snails breeding


I have a question about nassarius snail I have about 50 small nass snails in a 50 gallon tank. thay are great for cleaning algea and detrius but lately they are leaving a ton of little white specks on the glass in small clusters. are those eggs or small snails any info would be great please????????????


I don't know about those spots..but we have snails in the fresh water, and every so often, you see these itty bitty ones...A sexual...don't need a 'partner' to breed...and multiply like rabbits. I cannot GIVE these away and there are tons and tons, but the stay notta big deal.


My nass snails did the same thing. Try to get a magnifying glass and check it out. Its pretty cool. They have a group of eggs inside each one. Once they hatch larvae comes out. Looks like a white and yellow worm. Most get eaten or sucked in the filter. They burrow in the substrate and begin their shell transformation.
None of mine actually made it though. I think it was because the tank was treated with meth. blue for ich before.
I think the ones i have are the vibex. They don't eat algea mostly detritus and food. The other type eat algea.


THats cool thanx for the info. There are just hundreds of them everywhere especially around my algea magnet.


Your fish are probably feasting on the eggs. My osc. clowns loved eating them the most.
Each sack has 10-40 eggs. Thats alot of snails. You should see little worms on the glass when they hatch.


sry for posting in urs but making a new thread would have been a waste. Well someone screwed with my tank and the temp went to 86 my clown, watchman goby apear to be fine, but my nassurais snail havnt done anything yet. and my coral banded shrimp died


I have a 75 gallon tank that just has live rock and some macro algea in it that also had a couple Nass snails. I have been feeding it every other day to get pods at a very high level before I add anything else and recently I have noticed quite a few small nass snails moving around when food comes in. Not sure if maybe small ones came in on live rock or sand or if they are breeding. I will have to keep my eye on them.