Nassarius Snails?


Are there different types of nassarius snails? I got some that look like the picture on this website. Then I had a different fish store order some for me and they are different. These ones are a little bigger and the shell is mostly white/cream color with some darker lines on them. They also have a pointier shell. They do have a tube coming from them like nassarius snails do. I don't think its a conch because the fish store already has some fighting conches.


i have different colored ones. i get the dark ones from SWF. com. i got lighter ones from a place on the west coast. i was told the lighter ones are pacific nassarius.


The white and grey ones with the pointy shells are nass. vibex. The dark colored ones that are more rounded and usually larger are nass. obsoleta, Hope i spelled that right. I have both, the nass. v will stay burried more.