Nasty Brown Slime


New Member
Ok soo i just set up my 12gal Nano cube dx 2 months ago in my apartment stocked with some zoo's, mushrooms, zenia's, two fish, and a cleaner shrimp. Everyting has been going great, zoo's spreading, the zenia is now 4x the size from when i bought it and the water quality is perfect. BUT a brown slim has formed on the surface of my water. What is it? Will a water change get rid of it? or do i have a major problem on my hand? :notsure:


its surface scum. its nasty stuff. i would get a surface skimmer...i cant remember but i think you can get one from jacksdad!


Active Member
Is it surface of the water or surface of the sand?
water- use a skimmer
sand- add a power head for more water movement


New Member
yea its just on the surface of the water. What kind of skimmer do you think would work best? is there anyway to get rid of it besides getting a skimmer?


Active Member
One of the most important pieces of equipment in a nano tank, IMO, is the pump at the water line to facilitate Co2 exchange and stagnent water. I would rather have a pump at the surface line than one pointed down to the bottom.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Laddy
One of the most important pieces of equipment in a nano tank, IMO, is the pump at the water line to facilitate Co2 exchange and stagnent water. I would rather have a pump at the surface line than one pointed down to the bottom.
I agree, water turbulance can do wonders for the crud on top(surface)