NaturesOcean or Detritivore kit??

Should i bother w/ a bag of natures Ocean "live sand" if I buy a detritivore kit from somewhere? I want to help seed a "south down" w/ "CaribSea" DSB I saw that the "kits" are kinda expenseive :eek: and the "natures ocean isn't much better because I'll have to buy it online. If you could only afford one or the other what would you do??Please help I need some advise on seeding my DSB
[ October 07, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]


Your lfs doesnt carry Natures Ocean, do they carry any ls? Make sure that you check all fish stores near you, even xxxxx, the one by my house carries Natures Ocean. But if no place carries the ls, then get whatever one is cheaper, the det kit or ls online. Oh, and I think post your e-mail and have people e-mail you stores.
[ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: BurnNSpy ]
My LFS does not carry LS or Natures Ocean bt there is a xxxxx nearby I'll try that
[ October 08, 2001: Message edited by: BurnNSpy ]
well wastedincome...what I recommend on top of your l/s...IMO I would get some l/r to help seed the sand as well...not for nothin' but if you really want some live activity in your sand this method really helps...


check the price, you can get Natures ocean cheaper online, even with shipping, than at your LFS. My oppinion is you need both. Th LS for the bacteria and the Detrivore kit for the critters. If you dont get LS, you might try Wonder Mud.

nm reef

Active Member
Myself I've not actually purchased a detritivore kit.......seen several places that offer them ....instead I go to a trusted lfs that cures their own LR.....each time there I get approx 10-20 lbs of crud/rubble from the bottom of the curing tank........loaded with critters of all types.....last time I even wound up with a very small coral of some type........lots of worms/snails/stars I'd suggest getting the natures ocean.....LR....and look for a source of crud/rubble...... :cool:
Thanks all for yor tips, I do plan on taking some LR out of my 58g to help with the seeding but ddin't think that would be enough so thats why I was looking at "kits" I guess I also could go tomy LFS and get some some "rubble rock" and some "crud" how much do you think I should get??
Does anyone know where I can get some "wondermud"?? Here in NH there isn't that many good LFS's and the one that there are, are I think expensive.


Active Member
If you have aother tank set up, Why don't you take a handful of that sand to seed your other tank? :rolleyes: If time does not matter seed your new tank with ls/lr from your existing setup, it will only take about 6 weeks or so. :D When and if you find another source you will have diversity. :D
good luck.
Well Dburr if it was only that easy, My other tank has a CC substrate, only because thats waht my LFS told me to get :( I should have bought a computer before I starteed the other tank then I would have known not to use
CC. So My plan is to get the 105g up and going then swap everything from the 58g. Yes I can take some of the LR but dont want to have any of the CC in the new tank.


natures ocean is suppose to have bateria= IMO you can make your own. I would buy the cheapest fine sand and seed it with a detrivour kit of some good live sand. The kits can be expensive. But I set up a refugium with all live sand. It really didn't start to grow until I added a detrivour kit. Then I let it grow. I now transpher sand to my main take and let that grow. It's already full of life but I'm just making sure


wastendincome, take three seperate handfuls of your crused coral and place it in a ladies stocking. Make three balls of it and put it in your new sand bed. In a bout 6 weeks just pull them out :D