Okay I dont even know if this is possible..thats why I am seeking your knowledge. I had a pretty bad aptasia problem. Before I added to much valuable livestock I added some large (6) Peppermint shrimp. My husband brought home a small RTBA friday and as soon as he attached to the rock the biggest shrimp went to him and started "jackhammering" him. You know how the shirmp like punch the aptasia? I called my LFS guy right away and he said hed never heard of it and said to keep his eye on it. Its sunday and ive chased that shinkin Pepermint shrimp away a dozen times! Everyday. The Nem looks great and is eating i might add..It also has not moved a ton like alot of people have found its spot attached and has been there ever since. Has anyone else heard of this? The shrimp is much bigger then the Nem. I will try to get pics of it later (i have to work today..blah) I would have thought the RTBA would have stung him, and the shrimp would have learned his lesson? weird. Thanks guys.