Nautilus Skimmer Owners


Active Member
Everyone recommends a Mag 7 of a Rio 2100 for the Nautilus Skimmer. The instructions recommends a Mag 9.5 or Rio 2500. I need to purchase a new pump for the fuge so I was going to upsize the pump for the skimmer to a mag 9.5 and use the mag 7 for the fuge.
Anyone running a mag 9.5 or Rio 2500 on their Nautilus Skimmer?


Active Member
Ok, I was screwed up. The Addendum to the Instructions recommends a Rio-2100. The instructions them self recommends a Rio-2500 of Mag 7. It also says that upsizing to a Rio-2800 or Mag-900 may increase the skimmers efficiensy.
I'm going to try the Mag 900 and see how it does...


Do not use the Rio pump(s). Many people here as well as myself have had problems with them, not restarting, burning up, etc. I use a mag 7 with mine in my 125 and I'm very pleased with it.


Active Member
kpogue, thanks for the heads up. I am currently using the mag 7. I'm wanting to upsize to the mag 9 and use the mag 7 for my fuge. The mag 9 will push the skimmer but I'm hoping it will be more efficient. Not that it isn't right now.... I'm very pleased with it. Just figured if I'm buying a new pump I might as well buy a larger one.


Active Member
I'm using the mag 7 on mine and am also pleased. Would be curious to know your results with the mag 9.5 though. Please let us know if it is indeed more efficient.


Hey Reef....
Did you purchase the new Nautilus EX or the Nautilus TE ?
I have the Nautilus TE w/a Mag-Drive #7(700) and it
works great, however, if you do the Mag-Drive #9, let
us all know if there is a difference, if you have the TE...


Let us all know how it turns out. I also have a TE and would be interested in knowing how it does with the Mag-9.


Hey Reef....
If you need any help "fine tuning" your new Nautilus,
just let us know....
Good luck with it, youre gonna be very happy with the
results from this skimmer....


I have a TE and use a rio 2500, but as the other stated they due fail to start sometimes so i would to with a mag. at the moment i am waiting for two EX 48" models each powered off a mag 24 and loosing the TE....


Active Member
Ok, bad idea :confused: . The 9.5 IMO is a little much for the skimmer. I'm going to have to use it for the fuge and cut the flow back with a ball valve.