NBA Finals


I don't think there is a thread discussing the NBA finals so I am going to start one. Let's hear who you guys want to win. I would like to see the Lakers vs Pacers in the finals. It would be nice to see the Pacers win it all. What do you guys think?


I agree. I like Coby, but let's have a team that hasn't won in while be the victors this year.


Pistons are going to beat indy, and i would like to see the pistons play the timberwolves.


Down with the Pistons!
Pacers vs Lakers is the Finals.
If Pistons somehow make it to the finals, I'm calling sweep.
As much as I like Reggie Miller and do not like Karl Malone and Gary Payton..... Those 2 guys deserve their rings.
Once Kobie leaves L.A. or goes to Jail and Phil retires once and for all - Lakers will suck anyways and teams like the Spurs, T-wolves will see their day in the sun.


Pistons! Have to show love for my home team! Home game tonight which means of course a win!!
We will win game 3.........:jumping:


Who cares about this season! the MAGIC are gonna take it all next year!!! Just got our #1 draft pick for the first AND second round. Now all we gotta do is keep McGrady here and that championship is ours!
Oh yea, ideally I would love to see the Pacers and the T-Wolves in the finals, but I think that it will be the Lakers and the Pistons :mad:
And even worse, I think the Lakers will take it all (I HATE the Lakers). The true "Finals" series was between the Lakers and the Spurs.


:cheer: All I can say is Minnesota born and raised so go Timberwolfs, sick ot the hoopla of the Lakers, bunch of Hollywood wanna be's.


pistons pistons pistons thats what i gotta say.
as far as punks go evryone said that when we won back back in the late 80's so keep it coming.
................................bad boys, ring a bell?



Originally posted by blueface
Isn't Karl Malone's middle name PUNK!!!!!!

I am not disagreeing with that statement. I do not like the mailman.


Active Member
I HATE the lakers. They suck. I would like to see pacers beat them, but dont' think that will happen. Next year its gonna be the Spurs for sure.



Originally posted by rbmount
I don't care if they even have the NBA. Just a bunch of overpaid egotistic babies!

Do you feel that you are underpaid and are taking your anger out on the NBA? :thinking:


Active Member
No, I'm happy with the money I make. I live near Charlotte, and am tired of hearing about new stadiums(or we'll move), salary demands(or I won't play), and the like. there isn't anybody, football, baseball, basketball, etc worth the money they are paid( and keep demanding more of).