nd lighting help


have 65 gal just bought 2 21" 65 watt compact flourecent actinic bulbs is this enought for reef or do i need 2 more? light is blue and seems really dim in my tank is this normal


It could be OK for some reef inhabitants but with a tank that size you are probably going to want stronger lights. You would only be able to keep some softies under those and probably never any SPS or LPS corals.
T5 and MH will allow oyu to keep just abount anything. I use PC on my tank and am able to keep a good variety throughout the tank, but I use 2x96 and 2x65 lights.
The blue is from the acintic bulbs - you probably have 1 blue and 1 white (10k daylight) bulb - make sure they are both turned on - you may have 2 power switches. Both on should give you mainly white light.