

Being a small business owner I'm always interested in the sociology of people. I would be delighted in knowing what are other peoples thoughts or opinions of Nebraska?

nm reef

Active Member
Lots of farmers...beautiful young farm raised ladies...great college football team...and host of College World Series...all get a plus in my opinion. I've been to the College World Series...and attended a Missouri vs Nebraska football game...I've also driven across the state on a motorcycle a few times back in the late 70's and early 80's...its like most of the rest of the country. Decent people...and beautiful country.


Either or will do just fine. I thank you for your input. Springsteen is a great musician. AND GO SKERS "skers" is how we refer to our great football team the huskers.


Hey fellow Husker! I lived in Omaha for over 20 years. I still go back at least twice a year for family events.


Active Member
My wife is from a tiny town in southeast Nebraska. I also have a friend who is on the faculty at Univ of Nebraska in Lincoln.
I think about Nebraska as having hard-working, honest, republican people who are somewhat behind the times and less willing to try new things (or maybe that's just my in-laws, lol).


Active Member
I have family in Nebraska and spent a couple of days with them a couple weeks ago.
Nebraska-Crappy football team J/k

Tons of farmers
I do like the city of Lincoln due to its cleanliness. <sp.


Active Member
I'm a fan of UNL, almost wrestled there, but my opinion of NE is the same with most of the midwest. EXTREMELY dull.... Seriously....doesn't even compare to life on the coast.