Necessary Equipment


I was wondering what kind of equipment (i.e., filters, protein skimmers, lights) you all think is absolutely necessary for a 20-30 gallon reef tank.
And how do you move fish? I'm thinking about investing in a 55 gallon tank, but there's a good chance I might be moving out of my parents' house within the next two years, or so.
Got a few cycling questions too. My boyfriend started a 20 gallon tank that has been cycling for about 2 weeks. We added aragonite and 10 lbs of LR the first week and added 10 lbs more just yesterday. When he tested the water yesterday, The ammonia was still high, but so were nitrates. I've been skimming the board a bit but don't recall anything about nitrates rising during cycling. Is this normal?
Finally, and I feel a bit naive asking this, but what is a sump and what does it do? Is is a necessity or not?


Active Member
The equiment totally depends on what you want to keep in the Reef. If you post your ideas you may get specific answers.
Nitrates will rise during cycling, it is normal. If your filter does not "eat up" nitrates then water changes will be needed when cycling is finished.
A Sump is a smaller tank placed below the main one where all equipment can be put. The water flows from main tank, filtered etc and pumped back up to main tank again.


Look for "Corals A Quick Reference Guide" by Julian Sprung. Its an excellent book with lots of info on many corals for your future tank covering light, hardiness, water flow, foods, ect. it was a great help in getting my reef tank going.