nedd cleaner fish


Back way off on the food. What happens when you feed? You really should only feed what they will eat in 3 to 5 minutes, go slow. When the eat the first portion, give a little more untill you find out how much they will consume.
You could try to siphon the existing food off of the bottom but with sand this can be difficult at best. If it is just sitting on the bottom, you are going to get amm./trite spikes eventually as it decomposes and this is not good. So pick you poison.. Siphon and remove what you can, add something to eat it off the bottom or wait and see how it goes. I would do a combo.. siphon what you can out, add a bottom feeder and cut way back on the food. Also, keep an eye on your water parameters If you notice the ammonia going up do some water changes. Good luck!
Sorry for the long post, but I hope it helps!