need 1 more fish


I have had a fuzzy dwarf lionfish and a pixy hawkfish in a 39g for over a month now and I still need one more fish to finish it off. I just have the two of them, snails, hermit crabs, a chocolate chip star and one pencil urchin. I'd also like to get one more urchin and possibly some other things. I'm just not sure what other possibilities are besides urchins and I don't know what other fish to get. I also have a 20g reef setup with two skunk clowns and a watchman goby so I'm not sure if I want to get another clown like a tomato or maroon for my 39g. Any thoughts?


Oh and I have a diy canopy as a top for the tank and the back area is all open around the filter and on the side where the skimmer is so getting an eel isn't an option unless I want to have a dead eel on my floor.


for the 39g you could get a firefish, they are peaceful and bother no one. I have one and love him, nice colors also


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tome
for the 39g you could get a firefish, they are peaceful and bother no one. I have one and love him, nice colors also
That would be a fun snack for the lion. I think your bioload is up there anyway with the lion. Anything small that will fit in the lion's mouth will become food. I don't think that the tank can handle to much more. Just my $.02


Originally Posted by hot883
That would be a fun snack for the lion. I think your bioload is up there anyway with the lion. Anything small that will fit in the lion's mouth will become food. I don't think that the tank can handle to much more. Just my $.02

oh i never knew a fuzzy could eat a firefish. thanks