Need 55 gallon stocklist Ideas if I decide to switch fish.


Hi aquarists. I do have a good stocklist for my 55 gallon FOWLR tank already, comprised of a yellow wrasse A kind of flasher wrasse, a peaceful blenny, a hector's goby, and a chalk bass. However, I have been known to change stocking schemes for my soon-to-be marine aquarium from time to time. Do any of you have any good stocking selections for my 55 gallon aquarium. I like eyecatching fish like wrasses or basses for some info on my style in fish. I also like angelfish.


You like angelfish, how about a flame angel or another in the dwarf angel category?


I would like a cherub angel or a coral beauty. They some of the hardiest angels. I originally wanted a bicolor angel. I found them fascinating because they are the one of the only pygmy angelfish with trailing lobes. I find that fascinating and I wanted to buy one, until I learned that they are less hardy among the angels.

small triggers

Active Member
okay so a dwarf angel, a flasher wrasse, a yellow candy hogfish and the chalk bass, and a blue spot puffer (toby) and a sand sifter like a orange diamond goby???I think that would FILL the 55 quite nicely (okay and probably outgrow in a few years,,, but hey more when smaller trade some in when they get to big or get a 90


Originally Posted by RCreations
You like angelfish, how about a flame angel or another in the dwarf angel category?
I have a 75 and I think my next fish will be a flame angel. The colors from this fish will really stand out in my tank.