need a algae eater


I have a 30gal reef tank with blueleg and scarlet hermits-about 15-20 10 turbo snails 3 clowns 2 tangs and a chromis tanks doing great can I add a blenny or is that overload on the system or is there an invert i can add thats friendly/reef safe the algae is red maroon not coraline algae matt like not to bad but would like it gone


Active Member
You have 2 tangs and 3 clownfish in a 30 gallon tank?:confused:
OH my goodness... Dont add another fish.
Do you add tap water or RO?


Active Member
Your algae description sounds more like cyano bacteria than algea. I'm not aware of any critters which like to eat cyano. Do a search on cyano and you'll get plenty of advice on how to remove it. As for your fish load................Might want to remove some fish, adding would not be adviseable at this time.
Good Luck!


I do a 10% water change weekly have a skimmer and wisper 3 with poly filters chemi pure bio bags and deep sand beed tanks been stable anyone know of good inverts for the algae


John, 3 people have replied with good advice,I guess you haven't heard what you want to hear yet. ONE tang is too many for a 30. The "algae" you describe is actually a bacteria (cyano bacteria). Slow down,do some reading,and take the advice you get here.It will pay off in the long run.Good luck.


Active Member
John, the reason people dont like your two tangs in your 30g is twofold.
1) way to many fish
2) tangs like a lot of swimming space and just frankly wont be happy in a 30g.
Also the algae is probably a result of all the food you are feeding all those fish.