Need A Fast Reply


I want to add a Treadfin butterfly and a Racoon butterfly to my 125g..Im not even sure I can put these two together..They were sold out but now they are back in..The fish sell out very fast in here..So please can someone answer me right away before one or the other is gone again.


In that size tank, if added at the same time and of similar size I dont see why it wouldnt work out. I would highly recommend quarentining them yourself or putting down a deposit at the store and picking them up in a couple weeks as butterflies can be very delicate.


Active Member
Neither are reef safe.
According to Michael's "Reef Fishes" the Threadfin is "one of the more aggressive members of the family, often chasing conspecifics and species with similar color patterns"
Never had either myself, so can't tell you more than that.