Need a good shrimp


What would be a good shrimp to add to a 14 gallon BioCube? I want something colorful but nothing to hard to take care of.


cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp if u want something cool looking. the fire shrimp tend to hide a bit more. if ur lookin for something on the cheap side get a peppermint shrimp, i dont think ther as nice as the ones above. wut ever u do DONT GET A CORAL BANDED SHRIMP!!!


I was actually looking at the coral banded. I will look at those you suggested, anyone have any comments on the pistol shrimp or would they need larger tanks.


Pistols don't necessarily need bigger tanks, but they will burrow under your LR. This can become a problem and create rock slides.


Coral banded's can be just all around nasty if they want to be. I would go with a cleaner shrimp. Mine was out and about all the time, or he would also hang out upside down in a cave, but no matter what he was always visible.I have a peppermint now, and the only time you get to see him is during feeding time.
Once the cleaner shrimp gets comfortable, he will probably try to clean your hand whenever you reach in the tank, so that is kind of fun too.


I have two shrimp in my 12 gal aquapod and I love them both! One is a cleaner shrimp and the other is a red fire shrimp. The fire shrimp stands out in the tank and it also gives your tank a enteresting appeal! Not to mention it is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Is the coral banded's main diet coral? If they get enough other food types I would think they would leave the rest alone? Right or wrong?


Active Member
no,...the coral banded is totally reef safe, just they can be very agressive and kill all other shrimp so they usually need to be housed alone with no other shrimp. This is always disapointing later down the road when someone cannot add to thier tank for fear the CBS will eat it.