Need a Jawfish Expert!


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Well my gf is moving out into an apartment and ive been given permission to start a new tank on the premises.

Looking at a 24gallon aquapod so I can do a minireef.
I really would like to keep a Jawfish. Either Dusky, Tiger, or Opistognathus aurifrons(Regular Jawfish?)
Lets talk about sand, 2-3 inches deep? What should I go with? any pros, cons?
What kind of food? a mix of everything? (Formula1, Brine, Krill, flake, pellet?)
Tankmates? I would like to keep a Bangaii Cardinal and a True Percula for sure.
I was also debating the possibility of a Yellow Watchman and or a bi-Color blenny, Im not sure about the combo watchman/jawfish if that would work?


Active Member
I've kept them before. Nice fish. Go as deep as you can with the substrate. I'd say 4 inches minimum. The dig vertical burrows, usually under a piece of rock. A mixed grain substrate is ideal, with lots of small pieces of shell, lr rubble, etc. They use the rubble to reinforce the entrance to the burrow. I would pass on the goby. Jaws aren't necessarily aggressive but in a small system, another bottom dwelling fish might be at risk. The clown/cardinal should be fine. Feed meaty foods; mysis, plankton, etc.. They will stick close to the den and grab food that floats by, or dart out and take it. Lightning fast and they spook easily. Be sure the tank is well covered.


Active Member
We have had our dusky for over a yr. Very entertaining fish. His burrow is an amazing piece of construction. Its under a rock and the entranceway is small pieces of rock and shell which he is always rearranging. He never comes out of his home except to collect new building material and eat. But his head is always visable and he stretches it out and opens his mouth whenever a fish gets to close like he is going to bite it, they just ignore him though. He eats anything i put in the tank, even alage sheets when pieces fall close to his home.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
I've kept them before. Nice fish. Go as deep as you can with the substrate. I'd say 4 inches minimum. The dig vertical burrows, usually under a piece of rock. A mixed grain substrate is ideal, with lots of small pieces of shell, lr rubble, etc. They use the rubble to reinforce the entrance to the burrow. I would pass on the goby. Jaws aren't necessarily aggressive but in a small system, another bottom dwelling fish might be at risk. The clown/cardinal should be fine. Feed meaty foods; mysis, plankton, etc.. They will stick close to the den and grab food that floats by, or dart out and take it. Lightning fast and they spook easily. Be sure the tank is well covered.
Ok now about the substrate, Im going to use LS but ill try to throw in broken pieces of rock and shells for him that should suffice right? Ill try to go 3 to 4 inches but at 4 inches thats gonna be taking away alot of viewing room at the bottom of the glass.
As I figured about the goby 2 bottow dwellers may not work so ill pass on that.
Tank will be completly sealed with the standard aquapod cover.
thanks alot.


Active Member
i personally love the tiger jaw fish.
i liked the pearly ones for their color, but the orange above the tiger's eyes is just awe inspiring. i may end up getting one of them.


Active Member
Nick76 said:
Ok now about the substrate, Im going to use LS but ill try to throw in broken pieces of rock and shells for him that should suffice right? Ill try to go 3 to 4 inches but at 4 inches thats gonna be taking away alot of viewing room at the bottom of the glass.
If the sand is too shallow, they can't construct a suitable den, and are forced to hide out behind rocks, etc. They need the security of a den to feel safe or they stress easily. I had about 5 inches of sand in an old system I kept them in and they were quite comfortable and neverr tried to jump out. Mine were a mated pair and spawned on several occasions.


Active Member
Heres afew pics of my dusky tiger jawfish. First pic is him when we first got him. He gathered up all the stuff from all over the tank to make his burrow, you can see his handiwork in 2nd pic, he is hard to see, but he is to the left.



Active Member
I plan on getting a tiger jawfish and I might try the PVC pipe tunnel under the sand. What are your opinions on that?


Active Member
Not sure what you mean by tunnel under the sand, fish might want to make its own tunnel. All my rocks are sitting on PVC pipes to keep the tunnels he made from collapsing on him.


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Originally Posted by Kevin34
I plan on getting a tiger jawfish and I might try the PVC pipe tunnel under the sand. What are your opinions on that?

pvc piping is a nice detritus trap, and stagnant water trap, and probably won't be used anyway. just let the guy make his own tunnel :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Not sure what you mean by tunnel under the sand, fish might want to make its own tunnel. All my rocks are sitting on PVC pipes to keep the tunnels he made from collapsing on him.
How exactly do u mean?
Like put a few pipes spread out on the bottom glass, then fill in with sand and then put the rocks on top?
Ive herd of people putting base rock on the glass then filling in around them, thats what I was planning to do unless the PVC pipe trick is better?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Puffer, How deep is your sandbed?
Bed is only 2 inches. Its fine, alot of his tunnel is above the sand, rocks and shells work as well as sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
How exactly do u mean?
Like put a few pipes spread out on the bottom glass, then fill in with sand and then put the rocks on top?
Ive herd of people putting base rock on the glass then filling in around them, thats what I was planning to do unless the PVC pipe trick is better?
Yep, just cut the pipe to depth of sandbed. They work like pillars, holding the rock up. You can't see them cause of the rocks and a fine layer of sand over the PVC pipe. I imagine putting the rocks in first then adding the sand would work, I just didn't want to cover any my hand picked pieces up with sand.


Active Member
Mine sand is white castle playsand. My hubby has them in his LFS in gravel beds, so i guess they will be fine in any type
i have my jawfish in fine sand mine is about 2"-3" deep sand that is. mine usually keeps to his caves in the rocks i'll try to post some pictures... mines eats basically everything BUT flake...
puffer32 cool looking jawfish !!! very pretty and different.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Bump... Just bought a pearly jawfish.
I just looked up some pictures. Very cool.
I just got all my supplies for my 24g aquapod. I think im going to get my LR on monday and begin setting up the tank and prepare for the cycle :D
Ill place a link here so u guys can follow along when I start my diary in the picture section.


Active Member
Yeah, post the link when you get it started.
Well, bad news. I was on here trying to do a little research on the jawfish that I bought, while he was acclimating in the other room. I went back in the room an hour later and didnt see him in the bucket. Turns out he decided to go carpet surfing... $30 lesson that I wont ever repeat... Make sure you cover your acclimation buckets!