need a litte advice


I'm upgrading my whole set up next month and would like some ideas as to what filtration to go with, without spending a small fortune i'm not sure what is best for my setup
75 gal and i'm going for a total reef setup
let me know which is best brands of filter system and which type also should i go with a sterilizer and refuge tank if so what size tank should i use
First off, no steralizer. Their not good for reefs.
For biological filtration I would use a DSB and maybe put a undergravel filter without the tubes and pump obviously or a piece of egg crate under the sand. Also a good amount of LR. Stay away from bioballs and things of that nature, Im finding out the hardway how they are bad and a pain to remove.
A refugium would be good. You can make them on your own or buy ones such as eco system or I believe CPR makes one as well. My dad and I both use eco systems and they work great, but Ive realized it would have been much cheaper to make one out of a rubbermaid bucket, or a small tank.
Lastly a sump with a good skimmer. You can make a sump pretty easily as well. As for skimmers theres lots out there. Most people here reccomend euro-reef.


Active Member
Live rock, live sand(with NOTHING under the sand)and a good skimmer in the biggest sump?refuge you can stuff under the tank. This can be another tank or any rubbermaid container.


so for a refuge tank you just get some LR a filter for it and a water pump and run it into the other tank via tubing into what just dump off into tank? i would really like a refuge


Active Member
A skimmer. Is that what you mean by filter?
You need a overflow. it works by syphone, tubing, a tank(maybe baffles)and a pump to bring the water up and dumped into your tank. Then some macro algae.


so would this work
obviously with the bigges tank or other tank type box What would make a good sturdy setup


also what kind of lighting should be kept on a refugiam are we talking PC VHO or just a nice 10,000 K flouro


I dont know if this is the best setup or not but here is how my setup is set up. I have a overflow box that runs down to my refuge that is split up into 3 sections. I have a 10 gal sump area with a skimmer in the sump, then to a 30 gal refuge area then a 10 gal return section with a pump in it to return to tank. i have a DSB and 80lbs LR and 60 lbs base rock 4 power heads with filter attachments for movment, I have a 3X175 watt MH and 4X96 watt PC lighting system On the way,and thats it. I would like to add some kind of good filter someday but everyone here says I dont need on I think it is good to have the skimmer before the refuge though, not for sure though.