Need a little help, yellow tang


New Member
I have had my yellow tang for about 3 months along with a few anemones, 4 damsel fish, 2 crabs, sea urchin. No problems between any of them. I introduced a spotted clown (brown and white) into the tank 10 days ago. look like there eas no problems with any fish. This morning he was dead. I noticed that the tang now always gets next to almost every fish in the tank and lays almost on its side to get right next to them. But he doesn't "flick" his tail or anything. I mean he gets right next to them touching them if they will let him. Is this aggression, trying to mate or what.
He/She does it all the time now. Any ideas, thanks


New Member
This might not mean anything, but my yellow tang used to do that to a green chromis I had. The chromis died and it hasn't done it to any other fish. I never saw it do anything that looked violent towards any of it's tankmates and the chromis didn't have any physical damage when it died.