Need a little help....


New Member
I am trying to come up with a good lighting schedule for the new reef I setup. I have had the same 55 tank with 4 VHOs for the last 3+ years. Just within the last 3 months I have upgraded to a 120 with 3 MH and 2 VHOs as well as moonlights.
I'm not really sure when to run what and for how long.
Any ideas?


Active Member
Starting with the moonlights...
You can run those all the time since it won't matter when the main lights are on, they are cheap to run, last forever, which will save you a timer.
You can either switch the halides and the fluorescent at once or you can maybe make the fluorescent come on an hour before and stay on an hour after hte halides, as sort of a sunrise/sunset.
It's really up to you...


Originally Posted by SCSInet
Starting with the moonlights...
You can run those all the time since it won't matter when the main lights are on, they are cheap to run, last forever, which will save you a timer.
You can either switch the halides and the fluorescent at once or you can maybe make the fluorescent come on an hour before and stay on an hour after hte halides, as sort of a sunrise/sunset.
It's really up to you...


New Member
Great thank you. That is sort of what we had adopted... The vhos are both actinic blue so the tank sort of looks like a black light adventure before the halides come on.
I attached a couple pictures of some of my corals. :)
