Need a Little help


New Member
I am new at saltwater tanks i have a 30 gal. tank that used to have an oscar in it. I got rid of everything but the filter heater and lid with lights. I cleaned everything real good and i got a starter kit with all the goodies all i have right now is the water in it treated with salt and filter running and heater going. temp is holding around 80. i have crushed coral in the bottom i am ging to get some sand this week i need to know what to do next.... Light ing i know needs to be different than what i have . i dont know what and i would like to get caral and rock and stuff but i need help figuring all this out. !!!!!HELP PLEASE!!!!!! :help: thanks in advance mandy


Active Member
Next I would add sand and atleast 30 lbs of live rock and wait for the tank to cycle. The lights you get depends on what kind of corals you want to have. If you want to keep clams, anemones or SPS corals you should get Metal Halide lights. If you want soft corals and some LPS corals PC lights will do fine. I would also suggest getting a protein skimmer when you can. They are excellent for removing waste. Good luck.