Need a little help


I have a Achelles Tang. I've had him for about 4 weeks now. He came in a delivery at my LFS and after inspecting him for a bout 2 hours a decided to bring him home before he hit the store tank. Beautiful fish(my favorite), healthy, colorful as can be and thick. So thought I'd take my chance.
Aside from him I have some healthy Blue Chromis. So I decided not to Qt. Well he developed ick(to this day chromis never had a spec) within a matter of days, in a matter of a week and a half he seemed to have beat it but now has developed something else(for about week 1/2 now). He has cloudy eyes, white stringy stuff on his body and a blochy looking body. Fins never clamped up and don't seem to be rotten although maybe a minoe hint of fraying. He aware, he still eats like a pig and I feed him with selcon and garlic. As of today he is in qt being treated with Marcyne2. Qt is cycled, water par are fine and I dropped salinty down tp 1.017 for now.. Anyother suggestions? Should I do a foralin dip or wait? Personally I'd rather wait/.


heres a pic, unfortuanally not a good one. The glass has salt spots and coraline hampering the view.. I'll clean it up and try to get a better shot.


Staff member
Continue with hyposalinity and drop the salinity down to 14ppt and the specific gravity to 1.009. Follow the procedure as outlined in the Hyposalinity post in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.
The tang didn't beat ich. Ich has a 3-stage life cycle, only 1 of which is it visible on the fish. Ich will continue to thrive and re-infect fish in a tank where it has been introduced.
Continue also with the antibiotic treatment.


I asked for advice, not a lecture. Anyways there is no more advice here then what I have been doing. I must be reaching an "advanced" status.:rolleyes:


Yeah I apoligize for coming off that way. I'm just angry with myself for making a mistake. I did research the fish awhile ago and for some reason I always had "hardy" stuck in my head, when it was actually "Hardest". Anyways I did my best to correct the situation. Look in the trading and classified section on how.


Staff member
Tyr: :)
Terry's pretty passionate about fish health, and we see so many tragic cases here that could be so very easily resolved by "QT First", that sometimes our attempt to help sounds like preaching.....and I guess it is preaching. But, on the other hand, a lot of the folks that visit us here are now QTing, thus I guess it works.
All of us have made mistakes, and continue to do so. The difference between the dork hobbyist and the real hobbyist is that we learn from our mistakes and strive to improve. That you are hear asking questions shows that you care about your fish.
You are on the right track. Just be sure to keep the hypo going and to maintain it at the levels we have outlined.