need a new addition


i have a 125g with lots of rock formations for hiding. I have a 2.5 inch clown trigger and a 3.25 inch harlequin tusk, 1 inch 4 bar damsel and a 1.25 inch niger trigger. i was thinking about adding either a blue line snapper or a panther grouper (small of course). are either of these two fish going to get fin nipped by the clown? any info appreciated.


Active Member
I'd add a miniatus. They are tough enough to handle themselves. Sounds like you have enough rockwork for one as well. JMO. Bo


a miniatus is definetly a gorgeous fish to include, but i was thinking about adding a fish with different color to my harlequin tusk. i will still think about that though thanks.
and about a moray, ha. listen to this. i picked up a sharp tail eel a few months ago with this set up. he was about 2.5 feet long. my little clown trigger was torchering the crap out of him, so after 3 days i started to notice marks on his back. i was trying to find a home for him elsewhere, but one night the trigger must have bitten into his tail so many times that his meat was showing. he must have gotten some infection and died by morning. i felt so bad that i didnt find a home for him sooner. bottom line - no more eels for me. thanks


That's too bad.. Eels add a great deal to a tank.:(
Plus i'd take the clown's behavior as a sign of future aggression. I'd watch him carefully, you could have some more casualties. Just my 2 cents