Need a new Tank Hood


i have a 20 gallon high tank the dimensions are:
Tank Height = 16 inches
Tank Width = 12 inches
Tank Length = 24 inches
Tank Size = 20 High
and i was recommended to get these things:
Qty Description
1 IceCap 430 ballast
2 24 inch - 20 watt NO - URI 50/50 flourescent bulbs
2 24 inch - 20 watt NO - URI Blue Actininc flourescent bulbs
4 Pairs of water proof end caps.
or the same ballast and end caps above except with the following lights:
Qty Description
1 24 inch - 75 watt - VHO URI 50/50 flourescent bulbs
1 24 inch - 75 watt - VHO URI Blue Actininc flourescent bulbs
with the NO bulbs its about 5.3 watts a gallon, with the VHO bulbs its about 7.5 watts a gallon. Which one is better and where can i get these things? And would i have to build it or can i find this sumwhere alrready built?


More wattage is least from what I understand. I'm not the expert though. I can't believe noone else has answered yet...I'm sure someone will soon though.


Active Member
My vote is for the VHO set up. If your going to do a reef tank you will want the power.


ok ty for ur help, but do u know where i can buy something like that already built? I am not very handy and plus i hardly have time for the fish, so i wont have enough to build something like that.
so any store u know of that i can find it?
if u want u can e-mail me @ or post back here.


lol ty and i am going to e-mail u right now..
and i have time for the fishes and soon to be reef but not enough time to spend on building a new hood.