Have to mention that I read a article by Mike Paletta who is mentioned around here a lot regarding Meds for reefs and folr tanks. He said that in all his years he has not found a med yet that works in a reef tank to cure parasitic problems. He further stated that he has found only copper to be his cure of choice and that means removing the infected fish and treating in a ht tank. I found this interesting in the way it seemed to mirror my own thoughts about all these on the shelf meds, they don't work. Oh. something else he said was that greenx is worthless (and of course I have some but now it will go bye bye as it never worked for me anyway). In realtion to the greenx he was answering a question about its effectiveness for ick in a reef tank and that led him to his other statements. I have over the years tried greenx. Paragon2, no-ivk, kick-ick, no-ick, rid-ick, and none of them worked worth a darn. SeaCure Copper has hardly ever failed me in a FO tank and that is my main durg of choice when needed. Now before the torrent of posts on this worked for me etc, realize that many times the fish fight it off, the tank conditions improve, the last water changed fixed it, but since you were using the med you say it worked.