Need a Puffer Authority!


I just read something on a sw merchant's web site that surprised me. First it said that Spiney box puffers were difficult to keep. Why??? Also it said they should be fed ATLEAST 3 times a day. Is there any truth to this??? Am I starving my little guy??? I only feed him every other day, along with the rest of the gang.
Please tell me if I am being cruel!!


I'm no "puffer authority", but I would feed your fish at least once a day. I think many would agree that its better to have several smaller feedings a day, then to feed your fish more, and not as often. :D


I have to agree, I don't know if it's because of the "begging" my porky does but I do feed him and my Valentini 2-3 times a day,small portions(like 1/6 tspn)since they are still very small juveniles ;I did once overfeed and my porkys stomach looked like it would pop!So I think smaller portions per day is the best route.


We "had" a stars and stripes puffer. We feed him once a day. 3 raw shrimp. He was always back to the front looking for more. He was fairly big though. Prolly around the lines of 5-6 inchs long.
I have read it is best not to over feed these guys.