need a replacement fish ...


I've got my yellow/purple tang situation controlled - yellow is going to a new home. So now I need a good replacement for the Yellow tang.
Current-125gl LR/LS 1 purple tang, 1 blue hippo tang, 1 flame angel, 1 dragon wrasse, 2 firefish, 1 scooter, 1 mandarian , a couple of SWF's cleanup packages. Corals to be added in after lighting upgrade.
Sooo...what are some really beautiful fish outside the tang's lol that are reef safe?


yes, thinking about a maroon gold stripe. Also like the butterfly's but think I had better stay away from those. Thx


A mated pair of clowns would be a nice addition. Clarkiis are the most likely to "bond" with an anemone, although their favourite is the carpet and they can be hard to keep, and carpets walk a lot, which could be detrimantal to other corals in their path. The Maroon clowns preferred host is the bulb (or is it bubble?) which is a hardier anomone.
A strawberry psedomchromis has nice coloring, and would hold its own with the Tangs despite its size.
FYI, my flame angel developed a taste for tonga leathers...


I have a barlets anthius, very pretty w/ yellow on top and pink all across the bottom..reef safe,will get 4-5 in.. max