need a sand sifter?


my tank has been up for over a year and about six months ago i added some more sand giving me a 3-5inch sand bed depending on the area. the sand against the glass is visibly "dirty" just wondering if i need some kind of organism to stir up the sand to keep from getting any pockets of waste.....curently i only have hermits and snails(margarita snails mostly) any suggestions? o its a 100g tank


Go with nassarius snails and a sandsifter star or two. I have one ss star and 3 nass in my 14g and my sand is spotless


Those stars will starve to death in a tank after they eat all the beneficial creatures.
Nassarius snails and fighting conchs are what I swear by.


Active Member
I don't recommend a sand sifter star which is doing what you DON'T want done (eating beneficial microfauna). Most will starve in smaller tanks (under 100+ gallons) in a year or so (commonly thought to be predation - but is not). Generally they do not eat detritus or extra food and can not be spot fed. A poor choice, IMO, for this task. In addition, they frequently will not get right near the glass.
I definitely suggest nassarius or other sand sifting snails. A sand sifting cucumber, depending on sand size, might be beneficial.


Active Member
As Ophiura explained, Sand Sifting Creatures will eat the beneficial microfauna. That's a bad thing. Sand stirrers are ok.
The sand next to the glass will appear "dirty". Light feeds algae in the thin layer of water between the glass and sand bed.


I'd go with the nassarius and a diamond goby. Both are extremely hard workers.