need a sump


I need a new sump, The one i have is making me crazy w/ the bubble & i can't seem to get the bubble baffle right.
I have a 120g, i went out and bought a new sump today $300 and it was 1.5 inches too big and it won't fit.
I need a sump that will fit under a 120g thta has a bubble baffle built in
any web sites that you know of pls send it to me
much thanks


Active Member
requestion other competeters sites is not allowed just to let you know. WHy noy save some money and buy a regular tank and then get some acrylic and do it your self. you can build one under 100. and then you can also make a fuge.


I am working w/ a very limited space. I have a 48" 120g tank. I am trying not to move the tank at all. I need something that will fit under the tank.


Active Member
find something that will fit under neith. I have a 72 gallon with a 20 gal tall sump and a 10 gal fuge.


I think you will be amazed at how easy constructing a sump/fuge is. I have a fuge on the side of my tank made out of an 18 gallon rubbermaid container. I cut an overflow in the side which drains back in to the tank and a powerhead inthe tank to pump water to the fuge. My cheato now almost fills the container. Piece of cake to construct. 0 nitrates for over 1.5 years. I don't even test for them but once in a blue moon now. Good luck!