Need Advice!!! Anyone?


I have had a sun polyp for over 1 month nonw and I just recently noticed that the orangeish coloring is fading from what it origanally looked like when I first purchased it!
Can anyone tell me what's going on?
I feed it everyother day, I hope its not dying!! :help:


I have the original lights that came with the 12 gal aquapod.
It is in the middle of the tank. Also I have another sun polyp in the same tank and it is almost directly touching it and it is fine! Does this make any sense???


Originally Posted by nYgel
no, light has nothng to do with them really.
Then why is the orange color fading???? :notsure:


Active Member
I don't know enough about sun coral but if they prefer shaded areas it would make sense to me that the light would/could have adverse effects on it and could bleech or sun/light burn it. I dunno?
Try moving it and monitor it. Take a picture of before and after.


Active Member
The following is from The Reef Aquarium vol. 1.
Loss of the symbiotic zooxanthellae make the coral...look white, pale yellow.. as if it had been dipped in bleach. The tissue is still alive but now it is transparent. In some cases there is no actual reduction in zooxanthellae number but a decrease in the pigment content of the zooxanthellae. This is related to changes in light intensity... Bleaching can occure suddenlyif the coral has been exposed too long to water that is too hot or too cold, or if the light field has changed too radically.
Hope this helps.