Need advice, clownfish acting strang



New pair of ocellaris, got them last Sunday from LFS - tank raised
I picked out 1 inch & the other 3inches - in hopes to mate someday
Acclimated them for 2.5 hours
The first few hours they were in there, they were very curious - (I have some clowns that don't move from behind a heater or filter much when they are introduced). Their first night in, they nestled onto the sand on the left hand side of the tank. They are mouth breathers, whereas none of my others are - but I've never had the orange ocellaris before, just maroon, tomato, b&w and clarkii. These new guys don't move from the spot, they don't ever come to each anything during feeding time - have tried about 10 different kinds of food, as all my tanks get varied diets day to day anyway.
Sg is 1.24
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
PH 8.4
I'm concerned there may be something wrong, but to the eye, I see no physical signs of illness. When purchased, they were swimming around fine. They are currently in with an orange spotted goby in a 14g. Will move to 75 after QT.
Any thoughts?
Is there something else I should be looking for?


From what I can see from the pics, they look pretty good. They can go for quite a while without eating, especially in a new tank. Try to feed them a little frozen cyclopeeze (cyclops). I have yet to see a fish refuse cyclopeeze. It's great for picky eaters.
Also another member here wanted to put some of that lava rock in their tank, but someone put up an article that this lava rock was not very good for salt water tanks. You might want to post something up about it and see what others think. But try the cyclops, I bet they'll eat it. Like always this is just my opinion and i'm sure others will add their .02