Need Advice for Clownfish Breeding


New Member
My clowns have been together for almost a year now... Im guessing they became a pair, I know they will change ---.. She has ballooned in the last 3 days and both have become very aggressive.. they will bite me.. they guard their rock.(right under the colt coral) I have raised freshwater angels before but they were in a barebottom take by themselves.. whats the best way to raise them.. ?? They are the only fish in the tank but i do have coral banded, fire shrimp, 6 peppermints, hermits and snails... Any suggestions?? I dont mind hatching brine everyday, thats what I did with the angels and got really good results hundreds at a time.. Any suggestions would help.. never raised babies in a "complete" tank.. I can see she is holding eggs... she is huge



for breeding you need a another tank called a breeding tank i would buy personally a 50gal+ breeding tank for these as quite a few come out. youll need to have a few LR in there let the lowns spawn by making them stimulated takes quite awhile at time's but youll know once you get used to it by watching them in the main tank or you can wait tll they lay eggs then bag the rock with eggs carfully and transfer being careful as possible. but to be honest they will die most people think they can breed fish and find out they can't i bred thousands of freshwater but not too botherd yet about SWFB.
but in my advice i would just consider if they do breed try to keep them alive but in a relistic view your shrimp will eat them with in about 3-4 hours of being born. good luck if they do.


New Member
Breeding clownfish isn't that hard you just have to get rotifers going. The previous post is correct in that you must have a separate breeding tank. Your skimmer and filter will suck up all of the clownfish fry. Stick with it and you will see results, just like everything else in life. Basically once your rotifers are in high numbers, you will need to remove the fry. Watch the eggs everyday. When the eggs get silver eyes it will be time to hatch. This usually happens around day 7-10. Once the lights go out on the night when the eyes are silver, turn off all filters and pumps. After about 30 minutes of complete darkness, the eggs will hatch. Use a flashlight to attract the babies and siphon them into your breeding tank. If you need more help check out


You will not have success rearing fry in a DT. Let the mated pair breed a couple of times while you setup your rearing tank, greenwater and rotifers. I just finished reading Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson. Great book that explains each stage in detail. You will not be successful rearing clowns in a 50+ gallon tank(that size tank is better for growing out 200+ juvenile clowns). The density of rotifers will not be high enough in that big of tank. I would suggest a 10 gallon with between 7 and 9 gallons of water transfered from you DT the night before the eggs hatch
Place a clay tile(angled) near where the mated pair sleep to try and get them to lay their eggs on that instead of on a piece of LR. This makes it easier to transfer the eggs to the rearing tank instead of having to collect all the fry once they hatch in your display tank.
There is a rediculous amount of info that you will need to be successful in breeding clowns. I strongly suggest reading as much as you can until you feel comfortable. Good luck!