need advice from all you reefers!! :)


Okay, I just got a 40 gallon tank that I would like to set up as a reef. My 90 gallon is fish only. So, I need some advice about reef tanks. How much rock and sand should I get for a 40 gallon? What sort of lighting would you all recommend? I am totally clueless when it comes to corals and stuff, so anything you can share would be much appreciated!! Thank you!! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by jenni620
Okay, I just got a 40 gallon tank that I would like to set up as a reef. My 90 gallon is fish only. So, I need some advice about reef tanks. How much rock and sand should I get for a 40 gallon? What sort of lighting would you all recommend? I am totally clueless when it comes to corals and stuff, so anything you can share would be much appreciated!! Thank you!! :happyfish
u should have a pound of live rock to a pound and a half per gallon
live sand 1 to 2 inches
as far as lights go it depends on the corals, if your just starting out u can get pc lighting for softies or vho for softies and lps, t5 and mh for sps,clams,anenomes,and most softies and lps


Sounds good. I wasn't sure if the lbs of rock per gallon still applied with reef tanks. I know that I want anemones in there, so I gues I need metal halide lights...but I get confused on all the different corals! What is the difference between sps, lps, polyps and softies? I told you, I am totally clueless when it comes to this :happyfish

aztec reef

Active Member
i would go with no less than 4" of sand for optimun natrification ,(imo any less is just for looks) at least 1.5lbs per gallon 2lbs being better,don't skimp on skimmer or lights.visualize what you whant and then get the best equipment you can afford..


New Member
I am fairly new to the salt water world of fish. I started and 80 gallon tank 6 months ago. I was wondering what place you guys would recommend going to for aquatics supply, a reputable place.

aztec reef

Active Member
you should start off with polyps and softies. lps & sps are more advance and they demand optimun water quality and mh for lighting


so about 60-80 lbs of rock and about 4 inches of sand...polyps and softies to start...what about anemones? Should those go in a more established tank? Oh, btw, the tank has 130 watt compact lighting...should I upgrade this or will that work for softies and polyps? Thank you for the help by the way! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by jenni620
so about 60-80 lbs of rock and about 4 inches of sand...polyps and softies to start...what about anemones? Should those go in a more established tank? Oh, btw, the tank has 130 watt compact lighting...should I upgrade this or will that work for softies and polyps? Thank you for the help by the way! :happyfish
dont do 4 inches of sand, stay with 2. 130 watts is fine for softies and some polyps in a 40 gallon tank, also before u do anything keep looking at these threads and learn as much as u can, also ask alot of questions.


yeah...I am picking up the tank tomorrow, and I don't even plan on adding rock, sand or water for at least a month. This is going to be a very s l o w process! That's why I am posting here; I have gotten really good feedback when I have questions about my FOWLR tank, so I figured I would get great reef info too! Now I need to go dig out my book on saltwater fish keeping and actually look at the reef sections! lol


Active Member
It all depends. There are + and - to a deep sand bed. Many people like the look of alot of live rock. many like the open look. There are advantages to having alot of live rock. It also depends on the type of rock you choose.
Here is a general rule.
1 lb of sand per gallon for a normal depth sand bed. 2 lbs for deep
1.5-2 lbs of rock per gallon. Some rocks like tonga branch weigh less.
There is no real rule.
Lights are the most important thing you can but. here is where to put the money. there are alot of debates between types and watts and.... Here is what I will tell you. Buy the light first. Its the most important. Buy as much as your tank can handle heat wise. That said i like MH. It works for me.
For corals go slow. Start with polyps and shrooms. move to softies and then lps. leave sps for a year or two down the road when you master the chemistry.


ok, for sand i have been told 2 inches and 4 inches, so how about i split the difference and go with 3 inches? lol Is there a particular type of live rock you would recommend? fiji seems to be the most popular, but i like the looks of carribbean...would that be okay?
oh! and for the lighting, someone said the 130w compact would be okay for softies and polyps, but what about anemones? would it work for those, or do they need the metal halide?


Active Member
Wait until the tank is at least a year old before adding the anemone. Search the archives for reef parameters and turnover. Much different then FO tanks. Understand the importance of calcium and alkalinity on the reef tank. The 130 watt PC will NOT be enough to sustain an anemone.


thanks....that's kinda what i figured. i guess i need the mh for anemones? thank you everyone for the info so far!! keep it comin' if you can think of anything else i need to know!