Need advice (help)


Started a 55gal tank about 8weeks ago, the problem I am having is any fish that is added ends up with ich. I have 2 cleaner shrimp and a scarlet hermit and their ok. All levels are ok. I have a eheim canister filter and prizm protein skimmer. I used cond. tap water to fill the tank, is this possible to be my problem. I need some advice on what to do or what to look for.


WELCOME TO THE BOARD! Sorry your first post was for this stuff. Anyway are you putting the fish in a QT tank prior to the display tank? They may have had it before you even picked them up from the LFS. What are you parameters?


Your inverts will not get ick because it doesnt affect them. Do not add any more fish!!!! You need time for the ick virus to die off. It will likely take a few weeks. With no fish the ick will not have a host. There is no quick fix. You cannot use copper since it will kill the inverts. Hyposalinity and quarintine are the only way. or quartine the fish and treat with copper. Ick really sucks.
Make sure that your fish are not stressed that will keep them healthy. Also soak there food in garlic extract, its helps build up thier immune systems.


amm- close to zero
nitrite- 0
nitrate- low
ph - 8.1
alk - normal
Had some people tell me cond. taap water is no good also?


What does close to zero mean on ammonia and what exactly are low nitrates? When is the last time you did a water change? What did you use to cycle your tank? As far as the tap water goes that is a heated issue. I personally don't use tap water I prefer RO water. I say try both and see which you like better. If you use tap water test it and see how clean it is, just a suggestion.
PS: What is your salinity at?


I'm using the Red Sea marine lab test kit, Nitrate is 2.5, amm looks inbetween 0 and .25. Just took tests this morning. I did a water change about 10 days ago using tap water. I used a damsel to cycle.


I think ail is right, just wait a little while before you throw more fish in there. It could have been a number of things which could have increased stress and caused ich. Acclimation process, water, how many you added at once, by the way how many did you add at once? You could also post this in the disease section and maybe Terry or Beth can give you a better explanation. Again sorry.


I added a flame angel first, the flame was in for about 2weeks doing fine. I then got a powder blue tang, they were ok for about 10 days then the tang died and then the flame died, waited about a week and bought 2 clowns, they lasted only 4 days?


Active Member
Well, you added two of the most delicate and ich prone fish that are out there, If I were you I would keep the tank free of fish for 6weeks to let the ich parasites die, (I think some recommend 3wks but I like to wait a little longer). Then you need to set up a QT tank, all fish should go through QT for three weeks before being placed in the tank. Start with some hardier fish like clownfish or blennies or gobies. Put one fish in then wait a couple weeks and add another. Also get that ammonia level to 0 before you add any fish. I honestly don't think that we can keep our aquariums 100% ich free but you can reduce the chance by QT and by keeping the stress level low in the tank. Research any fish you are going to add to determine it's compatabilty and difficulty level. Do not add angels or tangs (may not want tangs at all, a 55 is really not big enough for a powder blue or most any tangs) until you tank is at least 6months old, these fish need a stable mature tank to live in.


I'm new in having a SW tank, so thanks to all that has given me advice. LFS had no ideas,which upset me due to they sell SW Fish but can't really answer any questions.