Need advice on Ich


I have a 128 gal. mixed reef that has been established for about four months. All fish are healthy and I just made a new addition of an Achilles Tang. The tang has been in the tank for five days now and has been doing quite well. Very healthy looking, active, eating calerpa and picking at the live rock. In the last day, it has developed a very light case of Ich. Not visible around the gills, but some visible on the body and fins. I have not seen any signs on the other fish and the tang is letting the the shrimp clean it. I have five cleaner shrimp and one Fire shrimp. The tank has lots of inverts and corals.
What should I do? Try garlic? Try to catch the tang and treat outside the tank? I know I cant do hypo on the whole tank with all the inverts right?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Try the garlic first, but, in the meantime, this would be a good time to also think about setting up a QT/hospital tank, if not for the tang, then for future fish to avoid this problem.


I tried the garlic tonight, and it is the first time the tang has eaten frozen food. Until now he has just gone to the caulerpa.


Well, the good news is the Ich is looking better. The bad news, the tang has some fin rot now.


Staff member
Dietary problems likely, especially if the fish has not been eating properly. Use Zoecon to supplement. Make sure you give the fish some seaweed selects. You might want to try fresh sea foods.


What type of fresh seafoods do you recomend? My LFS has some Kent Zoe right now, but not the Zoecon. Do you think the Zoe would help, or should I wait for the Zoecon? As a precaution I am still going to use the garlic as well.
Thanks again.