Need advice on lighting biocube 29




I have a biocube 29 with stock lighting. I also have the marineland reef led 18-24" lighting kit that I want to mod into my stock hood. I have included the link for info on the LEDs. Is this kit adequate for corals? I know it states it is, but don't want to trust the word of the mfg. I will be able to keep either the actinic or the 36 watt 10000k bulb when I install the LEDs. Next question, which should I keep? The 10000k for even stronger light if the LEDs won't be enough or the actinics if they will. Thanks for any advice.
Mike Hayes


Honestly, those Marineland LED lights are a waste. They're not going to give you enough light to keep any more corals than you'd be able to keep with the stock lighting.