need advice on some good Algae eaters?


I have a few magarita snails, and 6blue legged hermits already. I was wondering what other marine life i could get that might due a better job. (i have 110 lbs. LR)


Active Member
To start with, you need about 30 more hermit crabs in there :p
Mexican turbo snails are the best algae eaters if you want my opinion.
Make sure you have all of your test kits. Phosphate and nitrate are major causes of algae. Poor water circulation is also a cause of algae because the CO2 saturation gives the algae all the carbon it needs to build its cell walls.
Make sure that you have your lights on for no more than 12 hours a day. 10 hours is better though.


Man, I use to have Turbo Snails in my big Reef/Fish and I couldn't agree more with mud. They should be called Rocket snails as they can blast algea/s ime.
I love the Blue Leg Hermits too, hardy and cool to scope. I've never had any Margarit snails so I can't comment from experience.
I would run a 8/16(or less) light schedule until your algea problem is under control.
If your running Tap water, fooget about it....usually phosphate city


im running tap water for the time being. i am planning on buying a ro unit here within a couple of months, but until then, is there anything i can do to help keep the algae under control? it's not quite hairy yet, but my LR is starting to turn green and i know where it is going to end up if i don't do something.


Do as advised in the previous posts and you will keep the Algea under control
Also, A rabbit fish, or Tang will eat alot of hair algea. My Naso and Yellow are voracious algea eaters.
If you cant buy an ro unit now, I would HIGHLY reccomend getting ro water from walmart or your LFS. If you dont, the problem is going to be harder to fix in the future.


if it were you, would you buy a r/o unit or upgrade your lighting first? and do you think i'd be fine with a 35GPD unit?


New Member
I was amazed how much algea my sea urchen eats. I paid 10 dollars for it and it is fantastic. It is small and black with quills everywhere and cool blus spots. Very interesting to watch. Caution though I read their mouths are so strong they will scratch acrylic tanks. I believe that. also they clean algea down to the rock. In fact it has not even started to grow back yet. Just some onfo.....


Active Member
You have to watch urchins some are known coralline algea eaters. That is the good algea you grow on your rocks for color.