Need advice on used 90 gal tank


I can get the tank in the attached pic (w/ sump) for $500. Has built in overflow. All live rock pictured comes with it. No fish. All equipment comes with it. Comes with stand as well (I will just sell stand as I am building tank "in the wall" so will just build stand out of 2x4's to fit my application. I figure tank is worth prob what, $200 by itself? Can anyone tell what type of skimmer that is..would it work well? I currently have a new, empty 90 gal that is NOT drilled...was going to attempt that myself..but figure if I can get a setup that is already going..may be a lot cheaper in the end. He says he had a reef going before...not specific on lighting, but it comes with deal as well. Thoughts?



Active Member
not sure what kind of skimmer that is (but it doesn't LOOK like the cheap piece of garbage that I picked up when I first started)...but if the tank comes drilled with overflows, has lights (ask what kind...t5 or better would be a good thing), and comes with the LR (how many pounds? are assuming that it has never been treated with the wrong chemicals)...I would say that you are ahead....also make sure that the tank doesn't have a bunch of scratches on the glass (I found that one out the hard way on the bay).

gill again68

Active Member
Yup its a Coralife. I got one like it. Not the best on the market but I think for the dollar it gets the job done. As for the tank, I bought my tank new for $430.00. I would say you are way ahead for $500.00. That being that the rock has not been treated as mentioned. I guess you could test for that?


Here is what the seller told me. He did have a reef going. He had to leave the country and had his uncle look after tank. Uncle did not do a good job and a lot of stuff died. He said the live rock partially died off or something like that..when I asked if I should take the water too..he said I would do best starting w/ fresh water and using his rock to cycle the tank. He is moving permanently out of country and needs to sell..thus the price. I am going to take a look in person soon..anything besides the scratches to watch out for?


Originally Posted by dankoos
..anything besides the scratches to watch out for?

If you are planning on going reef, make sure the tank was never treated with copper. (I would ask, and test). If its going to be a FOWLR than you dont have to worry about the copper.
Also, you should ask how old the tank is itself. Be careful for brittle/cracked silicone.