Need advice on whether I should use an additional tank


I have a 5gal hex and was thinking of going out and buying a 10gal and just using the 5gal hex as a sump. I know most people dont have sumps with nano tanks.. is this just stupid? I'm moving in like 8 months or 7 months and dont want a bigger tank yet and I'm too excited to wait. I'm only worried about only 10gal of water. I wouldn't mind 50% more water in my system. With that said, I dont need to put LR in there do i? i'll have it in the ten gal. also i plan on keeping inverts and maybe some shrooms or polyps.. simple stuff. but i want a fish, what kind of fish could i put in there? i've seen people say neon gobies? what about a fire fish? hmm.. thanks for your time!!


A sump in a nano works just like a sump in a larger system. They are a great addition, but a lot of people don't want to deal with the headache of setting up a sump for another 5 gallons of water. Plenty of people have done it and had it work well.
What you put in the sump depends on what you want it to do. Live rock is fine in the sump, or you could add miracle mud and chaeto with a small light, or whatever else you want.
As to fish a tank-bred neon goby is probably the best choice, but a firefish is also reasonably suitable if you can keep the water quality up and the levels all steady.


Awesome. I think I will use the addtitional tank because I'm sure it will definitly help me keep the water levels stable. I just cant wait to start the thing! I am remembering how excited I was to get my last tank started

oh and can I have maybe a neon goby and a fire fish since they kinda occupy different levels of the tank? I'm also planning on having like a shirmp or two.. would that list be too high for a 10gal display 15gal system??
There will be pics soon!! But I wont have the tank started for another week or so

So do I actually need a filter? I plan on having probably like 15lbs lr in the display and maybe like another 5 in the 5gal sump.. live sand.. in the sump too or just the display?? I wont have a skimmer or any other filtration device