Need Advice!!!!!!


I'm in the process of trading out some livestock & could use some advice. I have a 25g tall & removed a three stripe damsel & maroon clown tonight while aclimating two new firefish. Still in the tank is a pair of f percs. The percs & maroon have been together for about 9 months get along relatively well since the maroon rarely leaves his anemone & was added after the percs. I removed him because he is bold & wanted the firefish to have a peaceful acclimation. The damsel is going back to the store tomorrow but I can't decide if I should keep the maroon. If I decide not to keep him, will the tank bred clowns take over his anemone? If I decide to keep the maroon, will he hurt the firefish or will he just assert himself with the other clowns? Thanks.


Active Member
What kind of anemone is it? False percs tend to host carpets and ritteri, if its a BTA it will be hit or miss... mostly miss.
And the maroon will likely bully the firefish. Heck my false percs bullied my firefish. I took them back to the store.


I'm not sure what type of anemone it is, got it from a friend's tank. It's the one in my avatar.... is a deep pink with longish tentacles.


I would keep the maroon, yeah it may be a chance but I would guess that the bullying would stop relatively soon. In my experience if you add the two athe same time versus just one, you have less one on one fighting. I definitely would get rid of the damsel though, I hate those little buggers! :happy: