Need Advice


I think I've bit off more than I can chew. I have a 28 gal JBJ Nanocube with snails, hermits, 2 bw percs, frogspawn, mushrooms, kenya tree, etc. And it's doing well. Photo if you click on the link.
I also cranked up an old 6 gallon Fluval tank that was supposed to be for a QT tank but I messed up and added sand and a 10 gallon QT tank that is still cycling. My problem is I cannot find a heater that will fit the 6 gallon tank and I have LR, LS, 6 snails and 3 hermits in there. The temp. went down to 73 during the night. Was wondering if it would be okay to add the snails and hermits to the 28 gal. (See, I want another fish or 2 in the 28 gal & a few more corals) I don't want to overload it - but I don't want the snails and hermits to freeze to death either - what do you all think??
My other question, the live rock has been in the little 6 gallon for several months, would it do any damage to add some of it to the 28 gallon and some to the QT tank. I understand if I put it in the QT tank and have to medicate someday, it can never go into my DT. But I don't think I have room for all of it in my DT. It started out with a few small pieces of cured LR and then a few pieces of dry rock.
One more question, what should I do with the LS from the 6 gal?? It's about 10# worth.
Thanks for you help.


Active Member
I think that the bio-load from a couple of snails and crabs is minimal. You should be fine putting it in the bigger tank. I'm not sure if I can say the same about the lr or ls; there might be some die-off on it..

orca t

Originally Posted by bugsman http:///t/388619/need-advice#post_3428239
I think I've bit off more than I can chew. I have a 28 gal JBJ Nanocube with snails, hermits, 2 bw percs, frogspawn, mushrooms, kenya tree, etc. And it's doing well. Photo if you click on the link.
I also cranked up an old 6 gallon Fluval tank that was supposed to be for a QT tank but I messed up and added sand and a 10 gallon QT tank that is still cycling. My problem is I cannot find a heater that will fit the 6 gallon tank and I have LR, LS, 6 snails and 3 hermits in there. The temp. went down to 73 during the night. Was wondering if it would be okay to add the snails and hermits to the 28 gal. (See, I want another fish or 2 in the 28 gal & a few more corals) I don't want to overload it - but I don't want the snails and hermits to freeze to death either - what do you all think??
My other question, the live rock has been in the little 6 gallon for several months, would it do any damage to add some of it to the 28 gallon and some to the QT tank. I understand if I put it in the QT tank and have to medicate someday, it can never go into my DT. But I don't think I have room for all of it in my DT. It started out with a few small pieces of cured LR and then a few pieces of dry rock.
One more question, what should I do with the LS from the 6 gal?? It's about 10# worth.
Thanks for you help.
Hello there. The snails and company will be fine in the 6 gallon even though the temp is low. I have a 5 gallon and got the heater at Walmart. I believe it keeps the water at atleast 77 degrees 24/7.
The sand you can dry out and put into a bag or some large cans and store in the garage or somewhere for future use.

orca t

oh by the way ..... why move things around? The LR/LS will be fine if transplanted into the other tank. You should temp acclimate first due to the difference. Thats what I would do. Same with the sand, and place in slowly with pvc pipe and just "pour" it in with the tank water.


I have a Deep Blue Heat Stick in my 5.5G observation tank. It works awesome.
Since you already have live sand in the one QT, it doesn't mean you can't use it as a QT. It does make it more tricky, but it can be done. I have QT's with sand and rock in them. You just can't put any medications in there. With these tanks, I try to put in inverts and corals. Occasionally I will put a fish in that I'm fairly certain doesn't have anything, but I want to observe them before they go in the main tanks. IF they come down with something, they get tossed into a bare tank with PVC and the sand/rock observation tank has to remain fishless for 2 months. It's not a big deal, if I'm dealing with a sick fish, I'm not going to have time to observe new ones in another tank anyways. I actually like having the rock and sand in my one QT. After a fish has been treated, it gives you a chance to acclimate them to "reef life" without tossing them in with a ton of other fish. You get to really observe how they're going to act, etc. The sand and rock and also help with the overall filtration, which can be a challenge in smaller tanks.